You know what I love? Doing what I do best so you can do what you do best. I can make your life so much easier by ensuring that your output is dazzling. Can’t afford a communications department? Hire me!
Whether they’re your words or mine–let’s get your story told. Or your dissertation perfected. Or your monthly article written. Or that pesky blog you’d rather not think about… I live for that stuff. Check out my services below.

You have great ideas, but writing is not your strong suit. You are intimidated by the idea of writing a whole article or book and yet you have something to say. Or maybe you have a small business and need someone to help with all your communications. Do you just need help producing good letters? What you need is a writer – someone to read your notes, interview you, and then turn your thoughts into a professional, polished final product. I’ve written everything from professional blogs, articles and e-books to best man speeches, LinkedIn bios, dating profiles, marketing brochures and advertisements, and business letters.
And you-name-it in between.
Marketing your art, your product, your wisdom, your service in a way that is true to your brand. Your brand is the soul of your business and you want it in good hands. How can your newsletter/social media/website stand out as uniquely yours? That happens in a collaboration between you and your writer, who captures you for the audience of your choosing.
Does your article, marketing material, or business letter need a second set of eyes to be sure there are no typos, misspellings, or missed punctuation marks? Straight up proofing is all you need. I also check for missteps in the gnarly and confusing world of grammar and check for clarity and flow. So many people publish their perfectly good writing (in their signage, brochures, social media, websites, etc.) filled with careless errors. They do not realize the difference in messaging between a carefully edited piece and one that is not.
You’ve written it—the book, article, letter, speech—but it’s lacking something. You have the basics down, but it lacks polish, zip, flavor, erudition – whatever you are looking for. Perhaps you are not a native English speaker and you want to avoid missteps that are so common when people write in this most maddening of languages. That’s where I come in.